Study programmes


For the 2024/2025 academic year, European Research University admits applicants for the following full-time study programmes realized in English:

  • Three-year Doctoral degree programme Economic Policy and Public Administration
  • Two-year Master’s degree programme Managerial Economics
  • Two-year Master’s degree programme Economic Policy and Public Administration
  • Three-year Bachelor’s degree programme Economy and Management
  • Three-year Bachelor’s degree programme Economic Policy and Public Administration

The standard length of Bachelor’s study programme is three years. Upon successful completion of the bachelor’s programme, the graduates are conferred the title of “bakalář” (Bachelor) abbreviated as “Bc.” before the name (BSc equivalent). The standard length of Master’s degree programme is two years, and upon successful completion of the study, the graduates are conferred the title of “inženýr” (Master of Science) abbreviated as “Ing.” before the name (MSc equivalent). Both programmes are accredited and realized as full-time studies. In the Bachelor’s study programmes, we offer applicants the opportunity to participate in the unique Competences for Master‘s Degree programme (CMD). The standard length of Doctoral study programme is three years. Upon successful completion of the Doctoral programme, the graduates are conferred the title Ph.D.

Admission conditions for Bachelor’s degree programme

  • Completed secondary education
  • Registration to studies via online application form, including sending motivation letter or a video, and an essay, see below
  • Passing successfully the entrance examination

Admission conditions for Master’s degree programme

  • Completed college or university programme
  • Registration to studies via online application form, including sending motivation letter or a video, and an essay, see below
  • Passing successfully the entrance examination

Admission conditions for Doctoral degree programme

  • Completed Master’s degree programme
  • Registration to studies via online application form, including sending framework theses of the doctoral dissertation, see below
  • Passing successfully the entrance examination

Entrance examination

A condition for being admitted to studies in any of Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes at European Research University is to successfully pass the entrance examination which is composed of the following graded parts:

  • Motivational interview – for that purpose, a candidate submits a motivation video (or a letter) proving his or her previous successes
  • Writing sample in form of an essay on topical societal or economic issues

The applicant will meet the conditions for admission if he / she obtains a total of at least 60 points out of a maximum of 100. The applicant will receive details and schedule of the admission procedure from the Study Dpt.

A condition for admission to study in the doctoral study programme is also the successful completion of the entrance exam, which is carried out in the form of an oral interview and is aimed at assessing the prerequisites for the performance of the applicant’s scientific and research work and at verifying his knowledge in the field of economic policy and public administration. For the entrance exam, the candidate will submit the framework theses of the doctoral dissertation. A critical discussion of the framework theses is also an integral part of the entrance exam. The framework theses of the doctoral dissertation serve mainly to assess the applicant’s prerequisites for the preparation of the dissertation thesis and his publication activity. The recommended structure and scope of theses are specified in more detail in the relevant decree on the conditions of the admission procedure to study in doctoral study programmes. The applicant will receive details and schedule of the admission procedure from the Study Dpt.

Application & Deadlines

The deadline for the 2nd round applications to degree programmes is 31 May 2024.
The date of the entrance exam is set for June 7, 2024.

The deadline for the 1st round applications to doctoral study programmes starting in the winter semester of the 2024/2025 academic year is May 31, 2024.
The entrance exam date is set for June 6, 2024.

The administrative fee for actions related to the admission procedure is EUR 120. Admission fee must be paid by application deadline.

Payment instructions

Name of Bank: Oberbank AG pobocka Ceska republika
Account Owner: Evropska vyzkumna univerzita, z.u. (European Research University)
IBAN: CZ45 8040 0000 0021 3112 0685
Reference number: 230309
Notice: student’s name
Variable symbol: date of birth (Format: DDMMYYYY)

Name of Bank:
Account Owner:
Reference number:
Variable symbol:

Oberbank AG pobocka Ceska republika
Evropska vyzkumna univerzita, z.u. (European Research University)
CZ45 8040 0000 0021 3112 0685
student’s name
date of birth (Format: DDMMYYYY)

Tuition fees

Entrance examination

  • For students admitted on the basis of the 1st round of the admissions procedure, we provide free study for the entire period.
  • For students who are accepted on the basis of the 2nd round and subsequent rounds of the admission procedure, the standard tuition fee is EUR 390 per month (payment for 12 months) or EUR 3,900 per year in the case of a one-time payment. Students can draw a scholarship from the social programme for talented students to cover tuition fees. In the application for the provision of this scholarship, it is necessary to demonstrate extraordinary talent, based on the results of the admissions procedure and to document a difficult socio-economic situation.


All students also receive a high scholarship, which is in the aggregate amount of EUR 2,500 in the bachelor’s degree, EUR 6,500 CZK in the follow-up master’s degree and EUR 30,000 in the doctoral degree. In total, the student will receive EUR 39,000 for the entire study at all levels.

Students accepted in all rounds of the admissions process may receive additional merit or scientific scholarships. At the same time, they will receive free modern equipment from us, including an iPad, which they can use not only at school, but also in their free time.