Assoc. Prof. Maria Vašutová, Ph.D.

Maria Vašutová is a member of the Social Sciences Department of the European Research University, and a member of the Scientific Council of the European Research University. She is the guarantor of the bachelor study programs Social Policy of Social Work and Social Policy and Social Work at the European Research University. She teaches the courses Introduction to Psychological Theory, Developmental and Social Psychology, and Social Pathology. She is a graduate of the Faculty of Pedagogy in Ostrava, majoring in Teaching, and the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University in Brno, majoring in Psychology. She completed her doctoral studies in Psychology (Ph.D.) at Palacký University in Olomouc. In the Social Work major she habilitated (doc.) with the publication ”Adjustment problems in children with specific developmental learning and behavior disorders“. She had worked for seventeen years at the Department of Psychology (formerly Social Work) of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ostrava. She had held the position of vice dean for studies at this faculty for eight years. Maria Vašutová is an evaluator of the National Accreditation Office for Higher Education in the field of Psychology, a member of the disciplinary board of the Integrative Social Work doctoral study program at the Faculty of Arts of P.J. Šafárik University in Košice, serves in the editorial board of the Polish professional journal Zeszyt naukowy prac ukrainoznawczych of the Akademie Jakuba Paradyża in Gorzów Wielkopolski. At Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Social Studies, she had worked externally as a researcher and at the same time she is a member of the local research team within the TAČR project, Artificial Intelligence, Media and Law. Her professional and publishing activities focus on the field of psychology for helping professions, developmental psychology, social work, biodromal counseling within a person’s life path and the field of socio-pathological behavior during childhood and adolescence. In these areas, she published monographs, professional books, several teaching texts and professional articles in Czechia and abroad. Her latest book, Counseling in Pedagogical-Psychological and Social Work (2023), is primarily intended for students of teaching and special pedagogy at Supplementary Pedagogical-Psychological Education.


Assoc. Prof. 

Catholic University of Ružomberok, Faculty of Education, Social Work, 2007  


Palacky University of Olomouc, Faculty of Arts,Educational Psychology, 2001  


Masaryk University of Brno, Faculty of Arts, Psychology, 1985 

Master’s degree  

Ostrava University of Ostrava, Faculty of Education, Teaching for Primary Schools, 1978 


2020–present, ERUNI, Associate Professor  

2020–2023, Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Resercher 

2017–2020, University of Silesia of Opava, Faculty of Education, Associate Professor  

2007–2017, Ostrava University, Faculty of Arts, Associate Professor  

2003–2010, Ostrava University, Faculty of Arts, Vice-Dean for Academic Affairs 

2000–2006, Ostrava University, Faculty of Arts, Assistant Professor  

1995–2000, Ostrava University, Faculty of Education, Head of the Department for Diagnostics and Therapy of Specific Developmental Disorders of Learning and Behavior Assistant Professor 

1990–1995, Ostrava University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Psychology, Assistant Professor 

1987–1990, Regional Pedagogical-Psychological Counseling Center in Ostrava, Psychologist 

1986–1987, School of Textile in Frýdek-Místek, School Psychologist  

1978–1986, Elementary school Ostrava, Teacher 

Publications (last 5 years, selected)

VAŠUTOVÁ, M. Poradenství v pedagogicko-psychologické a sociální práci. Ostrava: Repronis, 367 p. ISBN 978-80-7329-471-7.

VAŠUTOVÁ, M. Biodromální psychologie pro pomáhající profeseDOSPĚLOST, STÁRNUTÍ, STÁŘÍ. 2nd edition. Ostrava: Repronis, 2022, 211 p. ISBN 978-80-7329-471-7.

KOVÁČOVÁ, B. ŽIAKOVÁ, E., VAŠUTOVÁ, M. The role of loneliness and social isolation in the contexts of radicalism and extremism. In Proceedings from the 9th year of Košice Days of Social Work. METANOIA IN THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF SOCIAL WORK. Košice: FF UPJŠ, 2022. ISBN 978-80-574-0103-2.

VAŠUTOVÁ, M. Social-pathological behavior in childhood and adolescence. Research studies on traditional and cyberbullying. In Proceedings from the 8th year of Košice Days of Social Work. What has 100 years brought to social work? Past and present forms of social work. Košice: FF UPJŠ, 2020, pp. 29-46. ISBN 978-80-8152-847-7.

VAŠUTOVÁ, M., MIKLUŠOVÁ, Z. Perception of the meaning of life in students, seniors and workers in helping professions. In Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference – ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL POLICY. Ostrava: PRIGO University. 2021, pp. 476-487. ISBN 978-80-87291-29-0, ISSN 2571-1776. 

Technology Agency of the Czech Republic. Member of the project implementation team at Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences; Articifial Intelligence, Media and Law. PID: TAČR TL03000152. Main solver Ústav státu a práva AV ČR, v.v.i. Realization 2020–2023, co-investigator 


Family, Grandchildren, Books, Singing, Interior design