Ing. Emil Adámek, Ph.D.
Emil Adámek is the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, which is the main part of the European Research University and provides undergraduate as well as postgraduate studies. He is a member of the Rector's Collegium and the Scientific Board of the European Research University, and the Vice-Chair of the Academic Board of the Faculty of Economics. He serves as a member of the Board of Directors of the Czech Economic Society based in Prague and Chairman of its branch at the European Research University. He holds a Bachelor’s degree and a Master’s degree in National Economy, and a PhD in Economics from the Faculty of Economics of VSB-Technical University of Ostrava. He also worked as an internal doctoral student and assistant professor and later as deputy head of the Department of National Economy at the same university. Emil Adámek focuses on economic and monetary policy. Besides teaching, he is also engaged in scientific and publishing activities and is the author of many articles indexed in Web of Science and Scopus databases. Emil Adámek has extensive experience in teaching abroad.
VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Economics, Economics, 2018
Master's Degree
VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Economics, National Economy, 2014
Bachelor's Degree
VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Economics, National Economy, 2012
2025–present, ERUNI, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Asst. Prof.
2020–2024, ERUNI, Dean of the PRIGO University College, Asst. Prof.
2017–2020, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Economics, Asst. Prof.
Publications (last 5 years, selected).
ADÁMEK, E., DURDA, L., FRIDRICH, M., NÁLEPOVÁ, V. How Firms in the Service Sector Changed Their Behavior During the Covid-19 Pandemic – A Case Study from the Moravian-Silesian Region. European Journal of Business Science and Technology, 2023, 9 (1), 56–69. ISSN 2694-7161. https://doi.org/10.11118/ejobsat.2023.007.
ADÁMEK, E., JURSA L. Deep Dive into Beggar-Thy-Neighbour Effects of Monetary Policy Spillovers. Acta Oeconomica, 2023, 73(1), 61-83. ISSN 1588-2659. https://doi.org/10.1556/032.2023.00005.
ADÁMEK, E., JANKŮ, J. What Drives Small Business Crowdfunding? Impact of Macroeconomic and Financial Factors. Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 2022, 72(2), 172-196. ISSN 0015-1920. https://doi.org/10.32065/CJEF.2022.02.04.
ADÁMEK, E. and JURSA, L. Into the Unknown: A Revised Estimate of the Debt Service Ratio for the Czech Republic. In: Nálepová, V., Pavlorková, M. (eds.). Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL POLICY, 2021. Ostrava: Vysoká škola PRIGO, 2021, pp. 1–9.
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