Organisational structure.

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Rector & rector's collegium.

The European Research University is headed by the rector, who manages the university as a whole, the vice-rector and the deans of the faculties and colleges. The rector's advisory body is the rector's collegium.


Rector's collegium.

Linda Foltýnová
Deputy Vice-Rector
Pavla Kuchařová | ERUNI
Head of 
Rector’s Office
Emil Adámek, Ph.D. | ERUNI
 Faculty of Economics
Lenka Fabíková | ERUNI
Dean, Faculty of Doctoral Studies
Natalie Uhrová, Ph.D. | ERUNI
Dean, PRIGO University College
Michal Fridrich, Ph.D., MBA
Dean, University College Prague
Boards & Councils | ERUNI

Boards & councils.

The bodies of the European Research University mentioned below have the task of supervising the proper implementation of all academic study programmes, scientific and research activities and compliance with the written and unwritten rules and principles on which the university is built.

Scientific Board.

The Scientific Board of the European Research University exercises the powers entrusted to it by the university's statute, particularly in matters of supervision of scientific and other research activities.

Internal members.


External members.

  • Szilard Benk, MA, PhD 
    International Monetary Fund, USA
  • Assoc. Prof. Katarína Brocková, PhD, LLM
    University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Prof. Vladimír Čechák

    University of Finance and Administration, Czech Republic
  • Prof. Imre Fertö, MA, PhD et PhD

    Hungarian Academy of Science, Hungary
  • Assoc. Prof. Tomáš Gongol, PhD

    Silesian University in Opava, Czech Republic
  • Assoc. Prof. Svatopluk Kapounek, PhD

    Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic
  • Prof. Jiří Kern

    VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
  • Assoc. Prof. Karel Kouba, MA, PhD
    Charles University, Czech Republic
  • Prof. Zuzana Kučerová, PhD
    VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
  • Prof. Šárka Laboutková, PhD
    Prague University of Economics and Business, Czech Republic
  • Prof. Yusuke Matsuzawa, DDS, PhD
    Bunri University of Hospitality, Japan
  • Barbora Mazúrová, PhD
    Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
  • Prof. Jože Mencinger, PhD
    University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Assoc. Prof. Karol Morvay, PhD
    University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Assoc. Prof. Daniel Němec, PhD

    Masaryk University, Czech Republic
  • Assoc. Prof. Ladislav Průša
    Silesian University in Opava, Czech Republic
  • Prof. Jana Stávková
    Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic
  • Assoc. Prof. Michal Šoltés, PhD
    Technical University of Košice, Slovakia
  • Prof. František Varadzin
    Silesian University in Opava, Czech Republic
  • Prof. Milan Žák
    University of Economics and Management in Prague, Czech Republic
  • Prof. Miroslav Žižka, PhD
    Technical University in Liberec, Czech Republic

Doctoral Board.

The Doctoral Board supervises the quality of the doctoral study programmes provided in terms of their valid accreditation and in accordance with the university's statute.

Internal members.


External members.

  • Assoc. Prof. Svatopluk Kapounek, PhD
    Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic
  • Assoc. Prof. Karel Kouba, MA, PhD
    Charles University, Czech Republic
  • Prof. Šárka Laboutková, PhD
    Prague University of Economics and Business, Czech Republic
  • Assoc. Prof. Daniel Němec, PhD 
    Masaryk University, Czech Republic
  • Prof. Antonín Slaný 

    Masaryk University, Czech Republic
  • Prof. Michal Kejak, MA
, PhD
    CERGE-EI, Czech Republic
  • Prof. Martin Kvizda, PhD
    Masaryk University, Czech Republic
  • Prof. Martin Macháček, PhD et PhD 
    VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
  • Prof. Richard Pospíšil, PhD
    Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic
  • Prof. Milan Žák 
    University of Economics and Management, Czech Republic

Internal Evaluation Board.

The Internal Evaluation Board is an internal body of the European Research University that oversees the process of design, accreditation and implementation of all types of academic study programs.


Disciplinary Committee.

The Disciplinary Committee has the authority to deal with disciplinary offenses by students and operates according to the statute of the European Research University and the disciplinary rules.

Faculties & colleges.

The European Research University and its autonomous colleges together constitute the ERUNI Group, a dynamic and collaborative educational network. The university itself comprises five constituent parts and holds the prestigious designation of a Recognised Teaching Centre of the University of London. Its structure includes two faculties, three university colleges, and the teaching centre. The other autonomous colleges constitute part of the wider ERUNI Group. All these entities are based in Ostrava, Prague, London, Brno, and several other cities, exemplifying the group's extensive geographic and academic scope.

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Faculty of Economics | ERUNI

Faculty of Economics.

The Faculty of Economics provides or co-provides education in fourteen economically focused study programmes covering the entire usual breadth of university economic education, and participates in teaching and research in bachelor's, master's and doctoral study programmes. The Faculty of Economics is located in Ostrava.

Faculty of Doctoral Studies.

The Faculty of Doctoral Studies is the main guarantor of teaching in doctoral study programmes and a key body in the process of managing scientific and research activities. The faculty is located in Ostrava.

Faculty of Doctoral Studies | ERUNI
University College Prague | ERUNI

University College Prague.

University College Prague is located in the capital of the Czech Republic, in the centre of Prague. It is an organisational unit of the European Research University, which focuses on providing teaching in study programmes in the field of Information and Communication Security or Social Policy and Social Work.

PRIGO University College.

PRIGO University College is the oldest part of the European Research University and is the main guarantor of teaching in further educational programmes for teaching staff accredited by the Ministry of Education. The college also participates in the teaching of socially oriented bachelor study programmes.

PRIGO University College | ERUNI
University College Brno | ERUNI

University College Brno.

University College Brno focuses on co-teaching in further educational programmes for teaching staff in the second largest city of the Czech Republic, Brno.

University of London Recognised Teaching Centre.

The European Research University holds the status of a Recognised Teaching Centre of the University of London. Students enrolled at this centre are University of London students throughout the duration of their studies. However, the ERUNI Teaching Centre provides them with on-campus education of the highest standards, along with access to facilities, resources, and engagement with the university community.

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University of London Recognised Teaching Centre | ERUNI
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