
Prof. Igor Kotlán, PhD et PhD

Prof. Igor Kotlán,
PhD et PhD

prof. JUDr. Ing. Igor Kotlán, Ph.D. et Ph.D.

Igor Kotlán is a professor at the Faculty of Economics at the European Research University. At the ERUNI, he is the vice-rector and also the guarantor of the PhD and Master's degree programmes in Economic Policy and Public Administration. He is also the chairman of the Scientific Board, chairman of the Doctoral Board and vice-chair of the Internal Evaluation Panel of the European Research University. Igor Kotlán is the chairman of the PRIGO Strategic Board, the highest body of the PRIGO Group, of which the European Research University is a part. He is an assessor of the National Accreditation Bureau for Higher Education for the field of Economics and for the field of Law. He is also an assessor of the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education and the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic. He is an assessor of the Research, Development and Innovation Council (RVVI) in the field of scientific excellence within the M1 module of the 2017+ Methodology of evaluation of research organisations. In 2014, he was appointed Professor in Economy and Management by the President of the Czech Republic. He habilitated and completed his doctoral studies in Economics at the Faculty of Economics, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava. He completed his Master's degree in National Economy there. He also completed his doctoral studies in Public Law, specializing in Administrative Law, Social Security Law, Financial Law and Constitutional Law, at the Faculty of Law of the Charles University in Prague. He is a leading Czech expert on economic policy, administration, taxation, social security law, management, and public finance. He is co-author of the textbook Economic and Social Policy, which is widely cited in WoS. He is the author of more than one hundred publications, including more than forty articles in impact factor journals, journals included in the Scopus database or proceedings in the Web of Science database. He has written over 20 monographs and textbooks. He has been or is a researcher of scientific research projects funded by Czech Science Foundation, Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, European Union, Hlávka Foundation and many others. He has served as chairman of the panel of Legal Science and Political Science and vice-chairman of the Social Sciences and Humanities Committee of the Czech Science Foundation. He is a member of editorial boards of journals indexed in Web of Science or Scopus, such as Political Economy, Review of Economic Perspectives and several others. He is a member of the Doctoral Studies Board of the Faculty of Economics and Administration of Masaryk University. He is an arbitrator approved by the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic. As an expert, he regularly comments on current events in the media.



Mendel University in Brno, Economy and Management, 2014

Assoc. Prof.

VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Economics, Economics, 2009


Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Law, Public Law, 2011

VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Economics, Economics, 2001

Master's Degree

Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Law, Financial Law, 2008 (advanced degree, JUDr.)

Masaryk University, Faculty of Law, Law, 2006

VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Economics, National Economy, 1998


2017–present, ERUNI, Vice-Rector, Prof.

2016–2018, Masaryk University, Prof.

2013–2017, Czech Science Foundation, Social Sciences and Humanities Committee, Vice-Chair

2013–2017, Czech Science Foundation, Panel of Legal Science and Political Science, Chair

2010–2016, Mendel University in Brno, Assoc. Prof, Prof.

1998–2016, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Asst. Prof., Assoc. Prof., Prof.

Publications (last 5 years, selected).

KOTLÁN, P., ONDRÚŠ, M., KOZLOVÁ, A., KOTLÁN, I., PETR, P., KALABIS, R. Criminal Compliance Program as a Tool for Criminal Liability Exculpation of Legal Persons in the Czech Republic. Laws, 2023, 12(2), 20.

NĚMEC, D., MACHOVÁ, Z., KOTLÁN, I., KOTLÁNOVÁ, E., KLIKOVÁ, Ch. (2022). Corruption in Public Administration as a Brake on Transition to Industry 4.0. Sage Open, 12(1), 1-10. ISSN 2158-2440.

KOTLÁN, I., NĚMEC, D., KOTLÁNOVÁ, E., SKALKA P., MACEK, R. and MACHOVÁ, Z. European Green Deal: Environmental Taxation and Its Sustainability in Conditions of High Levels of Corruption. Sustainability, 2021, 13(4). ISSN 2071-1050.

NĚMEC, D., KOTLÁNOVÁ, E., KOTLÁN, I. and MACHOVÁ, Z. Corruption, Taxation and the Impact on the Shadow Economy. Economies, 2021, 9(1). ISSN 2227-7099.

KOTLÁN, I., NĚMEC, D. and MACHOVÁ, Z. Legal Uncertainty in Taxation and Its Impacts on Labour Supply in the Czech Republic. Politická ekonomie, 2019, 67(4), 371-384. ISSN 0032-3233.


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