Ing. Michaela Tichá, Ph.D.

Michaela Tichá is a member of the Faculty of Economics of the European Research University. She is a graduate of the National Economy programme at the Faculty of Economics of VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, where she also completed her PhD in Economics. She worked at the Faculty of Economics of VSB-Technical University of Ostrava for many years as an assistant professor. She also has a successful business career and experience in managerial positions. Her research focuses on economic and social policy, demographic development and migration, household living conditions, social security, and the history of the Czech economy. She is the author of several articles in peer-reviewed journals, and in particular of the popular book Czech Economy on the Threshold of the 21st Century in the Context of Social Development and the handbook Guide to Writing Final Papers, which is used by students across universities and their disciplines throughout the Czech Republic.



VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Economics, Economics, 2012 

Master's Degree 

VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Economics, National Economy, 2005 


2022–present, ERUNI, Assoc. Lecturer

2022–present, Municipal Office of Ostrava-Moravská Ostrava

2017–2022, ERUNI, Vice-Rector for Study Affairs, Asst. Prof.

2007–2017, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Economics 

Publications (last 5 years, selected).

NÁLEPOVÁ, V. and TICHÁ, M.. Consumer Credits in the Czech Republic in the Context of Economic Development. In: Nálepová, V., (ed.). Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL POLICY: Economic and Social Challenges for European Economy, 2019. Ostrava: Vysoká škola PRIGO, 2019, pp. 429-438. ISBN 978-80-87291-25-2. 


Reading, Dance, Arts