JUDr. Mgr. Pavel Kotlán, Ph.D. et Ph.D.
Pavel Kotlán is a member of the PRIGO University College. He is a member of the Scientific Board of the European Research University. In the field of law, he holds a Bachelor's degree in Theory and Practice of Criminal Pre-trial Proceedings and a Master's degree in Law from the Faculty of Law of Masaryk University in Brno. At the same university, he completed the rigorous proceedings in Criminal Law and the doctoral studies in Criminal Law. He also completed a Master's degree in History at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ostrava and subsequently a PhD in Czech and Czechoslovak History at the Faculty of Arts of Palacký University Olomouc. His main scientific interests are criminal law and economic crime. He regularly publishes in Czech and foreign journals in the field of criminal law. He actively participates in scientific conferences related to the topic of (economic) crime and criminal liability with contributions linking theoretical considerations and the practice of law. He has also previously focused his scientific activities on the study of modern political history and political ideologies, especially Czech fascism. He has published three monographs and collaborated on the Czech Television documentary History.cs on Czech fascism. He is currently working exclusively for the ERUNI. In his professional life, he has long been involved in economic crime investigations at the Economic Crime Department of the Police of the Czech Republic in Brno and teaching activities at some universities (e.g. the Police Academy of the Czech Republic) or at PRIGO Group colleges.
Masaryk University, Faculty of Law, Criminal Law, 2021
Palacký University Olomouc, Faculty of Arts, Czech and Czechoslovak History, 2006
Master's degree
Masaryk University, Faculty of Law, Criminal Law, 2021 (advanced degree JUDr.)
Masaryk University, Faculty of Law, Law and Legal Science, 2016
University of Ostrava, Faculty of Arts, History, 2000
Bachelor's degree
Masaryk University, Faculty of Law, Theory and Practice of Criminal Proceedings, 2007
2017–present, ERUNI, Asst. Prof.
2019–present, Police Academy of the Czech Republic (part-time)
2002–2020, Police of the Czech Republic, criminal investigator
Publications (last 5 years, selected).
KOTLÁN, P., KALABIS, R. Zpovědní tajemství a trestněprávní souvislosti s právem ČR. Studia Theologica, 2024, 26 (2), 119-139. https://doi.org/10.5507/sth.2024.011.
KOTLÁN, P. Problems of sanctioning economic environmental crime in the Czech Republic. Journal of Economic Criminology, 2024 (3). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeconc.2024.100050.
KOTLÁN, P., ONDRÚŠ, M., KOZLOVÁ, A., KOTLÁN, I., PETR, P. and KALABIS, R. Criminal Compliance Program as a Tool for Criminal Liability Exculpation of Legal Persons in the Czech Republic. Laws, 2023, 12 (20). https://doi.org/10.3390/laws12020020.
KOTLÁN, P. „Covidová“ krádež – vyřešený problém? Časopis pro právní vědu a praxi, 2023, 31 (1), 187-201. ISSN 1210-9126. https://doi.org/10.5817/CPVP2023-1-7.
KOTLÁN, P., KOZLOVÁ, A. and MACHOVÁ, Z. Opening a Path towards Sustainable Corporate Behaviour: Public Participation in Criminal Environmental Proceedings. Sustainability, 2021, 13, 7886. ISSN 2071-1050. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13147886.
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