prof. Ing. Osvald Vašíček, CSc.
Osvald Vašíček is a professor at the Faculty of Economics of the European Research University, where he is also a member of the Scientific Board and a member of the Doctoral Board. In 2012, after nominating procedure at Masaryk University in Brno, he was awarded title of Professor in Economic Policy by President of the Czech Republic. His habilitation procedure (Associate Professor) took place in 2000 in the field of Econometrics at Prague University of Economics and Business. Osvald Vašíček is the recipient of many awards. One of the most significant is prestigious Czech Economic Society Award of 2014, which was awarded for his long-term contribution to Czech economic learning and for his significant contribution to the development of applied macroeconomics in the Czech Republic in the field of macroeconomic analysis and practical modelling of real economies. Osvald Vašíček has long been involved in economic policy, economic modelling and especially monetary policy. He makes extensive use of quantitative methods of economic analysis and sophisticated econometric techniques. He focuses on the development of DSGE models (dynamic stochastic general equilibrium economic models). He is currently cooperating with the Czech National Bank on their small open economy models. He has trained a large number of PhD students who are working in the most prestigious economic institutions around the world. International Monetary Fund, Reserve Bank of New Zealand and Ministry of Finance, to name a few. His students also work at Czech National Bank and National Bank of Slovakia.
Masaryk University in Brno, Economic Policy, 2012
Assoc. Prof.
Prague University of Economics and Business, Econometrics, 2000
Military Academy Brno, Faculty of Aviation, Technical Cybernetics & Control Theory, 1978
Master's Degree
Military Academy Brno, Faculty of Aviation, Electrical Special Equipment of Aircraft, 1966
2021–present, ERUNI, Prof.
2006–present, Masaryk University, Prof. (part-time)
1991–2005, Masaryk University, Prof.
1972–1990, INORGA - Institute for Industrial Control Automation, Ministry of Industry
1971–1972, Agrozet Computer Centre
1966–1971, Transport Airports Authority, Prague Research Institute of Systems Engineering
Publications (last 5 years, selected).
VASICEK, O., UHROVA, N., DIMITRIOU JANICKOVA, L., WROBLOWSKY, T. and NAVRATIL, B. Central Bank Independence: Where Do We Stand? Economies. 2023, 11(4). ISSN 2227-7099. https://doi.org/10.3390/economies11040109.
Nature, Reading, Classical music