Ing. Vlastimil Beran, Ph.D.
Vlastimil Beran is a member of the Faculty of Economics of the European Research University, where he teaches the courses Social Policy A, B and Employment Policy. He is currently the head of the Income and Wage Policy Department of the Research Institute of Labour and Social Affairs, established by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic. He prepares public and non-public studies for the Ministry in the areas of subsistence and subsistence minimum, minimum wage, household income and expenditure, social benefits, and labour costs. He is a member of several commissions, committees, and advisory bodies. He also cooperates with other institutions such as the Czech Statistical Office, the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic, municipalities. Vlastimil Beran is a graduate of the National Economy programme at the Faculty of Economics, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, where he also completed his PhD in Economics. He also worked as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Economics of VSB-Technical University of Ostrava. In addition to projects whose output is created for the central state administration, he also deals with projects that fall under the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, contract research or research based on cooperation with the non-profit sector. Several times a year, he participates in public hearings where he explains to the participants the nature of the issues in his research area. He is the author of several dozen conference papers registered in Web of Science and other articles, papers and comments.
VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Economics, Economics, 2013
Master's Degree
VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Economics, National Economy, 2006
2017–present, ERUNI, Assoc. Lecturer
2014–present, Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs
2008–2013, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Economics, Asst. Prof.
Publications (last 5 years, selected).
ČERVENKA, F., BERAN, V. and BÍLKOVÁ, D. Epidemie covidu-19 a nerovná distribuce příjmů v krajích České republiky. Praha: VÚPSV, v. v. i., 2022.
ČERVENKA, F., BERAN, V. and BÍLKOVÁ, D. Situace na pracovním trhu v České republice se zřetelem na zaměstnance pobírající hrubou měsíční mzdu na úrovni minimální mzdy. Praha: VÚPSV, v. v. i., 2021.
ČERVENKA, F., BERAN, V. and BÍLKOVÁ, D. Report o úpravě datových souborů pro projekt "Vliv minimální mzdy na trh práce v ČR". Praha: VÚPSV, v. v. i., 2021.
BERAN, V. Monitoring nákladů práce v České republice, ve státech Evropské unie a v USA v letech 2012 – 2017. Praha: VÚPSV, v. v. i., 2020. ISBN 978-80-7416-385-2.
BERAN, V. Demotivative Effect of Social on the Labor Supply of Low-Skilled Workers. In: Nálepová, V., Uhrova, N. (eds.). Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL POLICY. Ostrava: Vysoká škola PRIGO, 2020, pp. 1–13. ISBN 978-80-87291-27-6.
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