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Reasearch topics.

The European Research University is currently primarily an economically oriented university, offering academic degrees mainly in the fields of economics, economic policy, business, administration and management. Our research is therefore oriented towards these areas. Our priority is to conduct socially relevant research that is effectively translated into teaching. We also involve students in research, already at undergraduate level.

Another area that our academic and research staff are involved in is the field of law. There are a number of lawyers, advocates and judges working at the ERUNI, either internally or externally, who are involved both in teaching and research. Last but not least, we are engaged in research in other social sciences, particularly pedagogy, as we provide pedagogical education within the framework of continuing education. In all these areas of research we welcome new colleagues from all over the world, both for senior positions and post-docs.


Publication activities.

Our publications include research papers in prestigious, highly ranked journals. We also publish undergraduate textbooks and professional monographs and are currently preparing our own series of the ERUNI Working Papers. We are also actively involved in applied research activities, the outputs of which include software, methodologies or reports, especially for public administration authorities.

Our publications

Research projects.

As a research university, the ERUNI primarily deals with basic research projects. However, we are also engaged in applied and contract research, particularly in the areas of other social sciences outside economics, i.e. law, psychology, sociology and last but not least pedagogy. The users of our results are public authorities as well as private companies.

We are open to research collaboration and welcome new colleagues in our international research teams. For research projects, we are interested in institutional partnerships with universities or other research organisations from the EU and beyond. If you are interested in collaboration, please contact the Dean of the Faculty of Doctoral Studies. Click on the button below for a list of our recent projects.

Our projects


HR award.

European Research University is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation with the status of a research organisation, which implements the forty principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers in accordance with its Strategic Plan for the period 2021-2030.

We are holders of the prestigious ‘HR Excellence in Research’ award. The HR award is a guarantee of the European standard of care for researchers, a sign of support for professional development and a commitment to continuous improvement in this field.

More about HR AwardPrinciples and more

DANUBE journal.

DANUBE is an international professional journal referring to the tradition of the humanities-oriented periodical of the same title, which was first published in Vienna as early as 1923. Just as the Danube river connects European capitals, the DANUBE journal creates a strong network of links between European researchers who have dedicated their professional lives to the social sciences and humanities. The journal also welcomes authors from other regions, as long as they respect the aims and scope of the journal. The journal has been published by the De Gruyter, a prestigious publisher with a history of almost 270 years, since 2021 in collaboration with the PRIGO University and later the European Research University. It is printed, but in particular it is published and distributed as an electronic open access resource. It is listed in most key citation databases, while it has been listed in the Scopus database since 2010.

DANUBE Journal Manuscript submission

International scientific

The International Scientific Conference Economic Policy follows the long tradition of conferences held in the Moravian-Silesian Region subtitled as Post-Pandemic Challenges and Opportunities of the Czech and European Policy, Economic and Social Challenges of the European Economy, Economic Policy in the EU Member Countries, Economic Policy and New EU Member Countries, and Economic Policy and Economies in Transition.

The primary theme of the conference is economic policy in Europe. As long as the main theme is respected, papers from other social science fields such as law or sociology may also be presented.

Conference topics are in particular as follows:

  • Economic Policy and Sustainability
  • Legal Aspects of Economic Policy
  • The Role of the State in the Economy
  • Growth Policy
  • Labour Market and Social Policy
  • Fiscal Policy and Public Finance
  • Monetary Policy and Financial Markets
  • European Industrial Strategy
  • European Integration and International Relations
  • Managerial Economics

The conference takes place in the Moravian-Silesian Beskydy mountains and is attended by experts in the disciplines of economics, law, social and political sciences and international relations – coming from the Czech Republic as well as from abroad.

More about conference

Regional branch of Czech Economic Society.

The Czech Economic Society (CES) is an association of people working or interested in the area of economics. The main mission of the CES is to enhance the development and general knowledge of economics in the Czech Republic in a way that fully respects and supports plurality of opinions and autonomous evolution of individual schools of economics. To achieve this aim, the CES organises lectures and seminars and competitions for young economists and produces publications focused on economics. Once every two years, it organises a biennial conference, which alternates at yearly intervals with the general assembly of the CES. The CES is a member of the Council of Scientific Societies of the Czech Republic. ERUNI is a branch of CSE and actively participates in its activities. ERUNI is a branch of CSE and actively participates in its activities.