prof. PhDr. Jana Geršlová, CSc.
Jana Geršlová is a professor at the Faculty of Economics of the European Research University, where she is also a member of the Scientific Board, Vice-Chair of the Doctoral Board and a member of the Internal Evaluation Board. She is the Vice-Chair of the Control Board of the Czech Science Foundation and serves on the scientific boards of the University of Ostrava, Silesian University in Opava and the University of Defence. She cooperates with the German accreditation agency ASIIN mainly on projects in 2018, 2019 and 2021 and up to the present. She is a member of the commission of the Austrian AQ Austria and also a member of the Society for Ethics in Business of the Czech Republic in Prague, where she lectures on the ethical dimension of our companies during the First Republic. She was a member of the Accreditation Commission of the Czech Republic (2006-2016) and chair of the permanent Working Group on Economics and a member of the Scientific Council of Palacký University Olomouc (until 2021). In 2004 she was appointed Professor in Economics. She completed her habilitation in the field of National Economy at the Prague University of Economics and Business in 1996. Her dissertation was in the field of economic history. She worked at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Economics and Technology, Faculty of Business and Entrepreneurship of the Silesian University in Opava and Faculty of Arts of Palacký University Olomouc. She completed a number of study and research stays at foreign universities in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. She was a visiting scholar at the Universities of Zurich and Bonn from 1998-2003. Until now, she has been an irregular lecturer at Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien and Technische Universität Dresden. Her areas of expertise include national economic history, economic history, European business personalities and firms, and ethical issues in business. She is co-author of the two-volume Economic and Social History of Czechoslovakia 1918-1945. In addition to domestic and foreign professional journals, where she has published a number of scientific articles, she is dedicated to the popularization of research results and the issue of methodology of scientific and professional work. She is the author of the book Vádemékum vědecké a odborné práce. Publications What is behind the brand? A Historical Encyclopaedia of Entrepreneurs and History of Modern Business were published under the project of Czech Science Foundation. Jana Geršlová is the author of four monographs on the topic of entrepreneurship in the construction industry. The topic of entrepreneurship of successful women in world-famous companies was the subject of the recently published monograph The Businesswoman or Cinderella. She has carried out a research project NAKI II (project 2018-2022) in cooperation with the National Technical Museum Hardtmuth - from the angle to the pencil empire, with a planned monograph Pencil production in Central Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries. For the volume Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurship (as part of the thematic series Great History of the Czech Crown), she is working on a section focusing on entrepreneurs in the Czech lands in the 19th century, family business, technological development and ethics and morality in connection with entrepreneurship.
VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Economics, Economics, 2004
Assoc. Prof.
Prague University of Economics and Business, National Economy, 1996
CSc. (PhD equiv.)
Institute of Czechoslovak and World History, Economic History, 1988
Master's Degree
Palacký University Olomouc, History, 1982
2021–present, ERUNI, Prof.
2016–2021, Palacký University Olomouc, Faculty of Arts, Prof.
1995–2016, VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Economics, Asst. Prof., Assoc. Prof., Prof.
1990–1995, Silesian University in Opava, School of Business Administration in Karviná, Asst. Prof.
1979–1990, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences
Publications (last 5 years, selected).
GERŠLOVÁ, J. Experts without soul and hedonists without heart. Ethical principles of companies in historical contexts. In Etika v 21. století, České Budějovice 2022, pp. 22–26. ISBN 978-80-7394-939-6.
GERŠLOVÁ, J. Obyčejné věci dělat neobyčejně dobře. Zahraniční konkurence firmy L. & C. Hardtmuth. Praha: Národní technické muzeum, 2021. ISBN 978-80-7037-356-9.
GERŠLOVÁ, J. Podnikatelka nebo Popelka? Příběhy úspěšných podnikatelek v toku času. Praha: Professional Publishing, 2020. ISBN 978-80-88260-47-9.
GERŠLOVÁ, J. The Nuremberg Industrial Area and Pencil Production, Schwan-Stabilo Company. Historica Olomucensia, Sborník prací historických, 2020, 59(1), 101-121. ISSN 1803-9561. https://doi.org/10.5507/ho.2020.025.
GERŠLOVÁ, J. Podnikání v betonovém stavebnictví v toku času. Firma Pittel & Brausewetter v monarchii a mezi válkami. Praha: Professional Publishing, 2019. ISBN 978-80-88260-42-4.
Reading, Dog, Garden