Bachelor's programme Economic Policy and Public Administration
Select type of course
- Compulsory courses
- Compulsory optional courses
- Final exam
Microeconomics A
Microeconomics A provides students with the basic theoretical knowledge of economics related to the behaviour of consumers, companies, market and state. After completing the course, students will understand basic microeconomic issues, such as consumer behaviour theory and company behaviour theory in different market structures. They will understand issues related to markets, production factors and they will learn about the basic types of market failures, being able to critically evaluate some of the possible consequences of methods used to tackle them. This will give students a proper understanding of behaviour patterns of individual economic entities in further subjects they will study.
- Introduction to economics. Market and its structure.
- Consumer behaviour. Utility concept, Budget constraints, optimal choice of consumer basket.
- From consumer choice to market demand. Demand elasticity.
- Theory of the firm. Production functions, costs, income and profit of firm. Distinguishing between short and long run in economics.
- Perfect competition. Behaviour of perfect competitors in short and long run.
- Imperfect competition. Monopoly and monopolistic competition.
- Imperfect competition. Oligopoly and introduction to game theory.
- Labour market. Job offer, job demand, equilibrium wage, wage differences.
- Other production factors markets, capital market and land market.
- Externalities and their solution methods.
- Public goods and common-pool resources.
- Microeconomic role of government and government failure. Public choice theory.
Public Sector Economy
The aim the subject Public Sector Economy is to familiarize students with the nature of public sector existence, its structure and economy. This subject further extends the knowledge which students acquired from the parallel course in Microeconomics. Public Sector Economy, together with the subjects Microeconomics A and Macroeconomics A, represents a basis mainly for the subjects Economic Policy, Public Administration A, Economy of CR and Tax System in CR. Students gain theoretical knowledge of the public choice theory which is complemented by the knowledge of issues related to the state and state power as well as public administration function and activities. Students also learn about how public sector is organized and financed.
- Significance of public sector existence. Market failures. Government failures.
- Basic concepts. Public goods and private goods, public interest.
- Public choice theory. General possibility theorem, voting cycle paradox.
- Collective decision-making. Political market.
- State and its functions. Theory of state and law. Definition of state. State power.
- Functions and activities of public administration. Public administration concept.
- Organization of public sector.
- Financial system of state and local government entities.
- Public revenues.
- Public expenditure.
- Fiscal federalism. Fiscal federalism models.
- Tax system and tax revenue allocation.
The aim of the subject Law is to not only to familiarize students with the basics of legal theory, but also to provide them with the basic knowledge of the Czech legal order and the most important Czech legal rules as well as the EU law. At the same time this subject enables students to develop their ability to apply this knowledge when practising their profession and also in their civil life. The subject is taught with a focus on the link between law and economic policy. By means of lectures and self-study students become familiar with basic legal concepts and the basics of Czech private as well as pubic law. This serves as a basis for studying other more practical subjects, especially Public Law and Administrative Procedure, or some of the compulsory-elective subjects such as Social Security System or Public Procurements.
1. Concept, nature and functions of law. Law system. Principles of legal order in CR, branches of law.
2. Legal norms and their classification.
3. Legal relations and legal facts. Parties to and objects and content of legal relations.
4. Interpretation of law. Application of law. Legal responsibility.
5. Private law. Absolute and relative property rights.
6. Labour law. Participants in employment relationships, employment relationship, its creation and termination.
7. Judiciary system, contentious and non-contentious suit.
8. Civil petition.
9. Execution of judgement and property confiscation. Discharge from debts.
10. Public law. Constitutional law basics. Administrative law basics.
11. Public law. Financial law basics. Criminal law basics.
12. Immigration and aliens law. Citizenship, proceedings related to providing international legal protection.
Philosophy and Ethics
The subject Philosophy and Ethics is an introduction to professional values orientation and their reflection and provides students with a basic knowledge of philosophy and theoretical ethics, putting emphasis also on dialogical approach when tackling ethical issues. The main goal of the course is to improve students´ self-knowledge and their ability to make informed decisions regarding ethical issues and dilemmas that may arise in economic policy and administration practice. Students should understand the significance of ethical theories for practicing their profession, develop critical thinking skills, be able to apply their knowledge of ethical theory to practical examples and be aware of their own values and theoretical background from which these values originate.
1. Concept of philosophy. How philosophy relates to special sciences and other institutionalized forms of spiritual cultures. Basic philosophical sciences. Basic terminology.
2. Key issues and problems of European philosophy. Philosophical questions from the area of metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of logic, aesthetics, philosophy of religion.
3. Selected issues of philosophical anthropology. Human as a person, body, soul and spirit. Human dignity. Human freedom. Individual in relationships. Time and finiteness of human existence. Suffering and Illness.
4. Selected issues of social and political philosophy. Individual, society, culture, state, social conflicts, power and discrimination, democracy and totalitarianism, racism, human rights, work and leisure time.
5. Ethics. Basic concepts, their relationships, classification of ethics, relation of ethics to other disciplines.
6. Selected concepts of ethics. Good, correctness, duty, autonomy, value, virtue, purpose, means, justice, conscience, guilt.
7. Nature of ethical norms and methods of their creation and justification. Relation to other normative systems.
8. Basic ethical theories and their application. Ethics of virtues, hedonism, utilitarianism, natural law, social contract, deontological ethics, ethics of justice, ethics of care.
9. Professional ethics. Ethical codes and relevant Czech as well as international documents related to human rights. Ethical dilemmas.
10. Ethics of public service. Professional ethics of civil servants and public employees.
11. Human rights as interface between law and morality. Relation to responsibilities and duties.
12. Moral beliefs and ethical codes within the context of pluralistic and multicultural society and global world.
Information Technology
The aim of the subject Information Technology is to extend students´ basic secondary-school knowledge of information technology. Students will learn to work with the application tools of MS Office package at university level. With regard to economic analyses and their needs, they will also gain a more advanced knowledge of information technology concepts, learn to search for and process data from electronic information sources and actively use word processor and spreadsheet tools or presentation programs. They will also learn about programs for making economic analyses and possibilities of their use, which represents a basis for studying further subjects such as Quantitative Methods A-B and Econometrics A.
1. Basic information technology concepts. Data, information, knowledge. Introduction to data processing.
2. Significance of information technology. Information technology in economic disciplines. Information technology in national economy practice.
3. Computer equipment. Specificities of SW developed for economic analysis.
4. Word processors. Specificities of processing economic texts.
5. Spreadsheets. Specificities of functions to be used for economic analysis.
6. Graphs and analytical tools in spreadsheet environment. Possibilities of use in economic analysis.
7. Data structures, algorithmization and programming.
8. Working with database programmes. Base of economic data. Database of specialist economic publications.
9. Working with presentation programs. Presentation of economic analysis results.
10. Computer network characteristics and services. Data security and protection. GDPR.
11. Basics of webdesign. Webhosting.
12. BYOD. Possibilities and use in the course of studies.
Foreign Language I A-B
The subject Foreign Language I aims at improving our students´ command of English or German in the area of economics and economic policy and administration. In the subject Foreign Language I students are expected to have initial secondary-school knowledge of the selected language (B1-B2 according to CEFRL). The aim of the subject is to acquaint students with specialized terminology and improve their communication skills in the selected foreign language. Over the period of two terms, students work on increasing their language skills in specialized areas. They will expand their vocabulary in terms of specialized terminology, improve their understanding of specialized economic texts and learn to work with them, and be able to express themselves orally as well as in writing in the given discipline. The subject Foreign Language IA continues as Foreign Language IB in the summer term. The Foreign Language I thematic areas partly copy the syllabus of parallel courses in Microeconomics A, Macroeconomics A, Economic Policy and Economy of CR.
Thematic areas for the subject Foreign Language IA:
1. Economics as scientific discipline.
2. Economics and economy. Economic units.
3. Household, firm, state.
4. Supply, demand, market.
5. Value and price.
6. Perfect and imperfect competition.
7. Labour market, employment, wages.
8. Capital market, money, interest.
9. Market failures.
10. Government failures.
11. Working with specialized texts dealing with areas under study.
12. Discussion contests on given topics from areas under study.
Thematic areas for the subject Foreign Language IB:
1. Production, GDP and its components.
2. Problems of inflation and unemployment.
3. Economic policy as government approach to national economy.
4. Policy makers, goals and tools of economic policy.
5. Relations among economic policy goals.
6. Fiscal Policy.
7. Monetary Policy.
8. Balance of payments. Foreign trade policy.
9. Economic growth and economic cycle.
10. European Integration.
11. Working with specialized texts dealing with areas under study.
12. Discussion contests on given topics from areas under study.
Macroeconomics A
The aim of the Macroeconomics A course is to familiarize students with the basic theoretical aspects of macroeconomics. Students will understand the concept of economic output and price level and learn about the measuring method of individual categories. They will acquire a basic knowledge of macroeconomic models and be able to use them to solve concrete macroeconomic problems. In addition, they will learn about the functions of money in economy, the causes and consequences of inflation and unemployment. They will understand the basic theories of exchange rates, economic cycle and economic growth. The end of the course is devoted to the state and its practical approach to economic policy at macroeconomic level. The subject Macroeconomics A is thus a fundamental theoretical subject representing a basis for their further study in economic policy and its sub-disciplines.
1. Macroeconomic output and its measurement. Price level and its measurement. Alternative methods to measure economic output.
2. Pension – expenditure model. From two-sector economy to open economy, multipliers and multiplication effect.
3. Aggregate demand and aggregate supply within short and long run. Macroeconomic balance in AS-AD model.
4. Money and money market. Money supply. Demand for money. Money market equilibrium, money multiplier.
5. Inflation and its types. Causes of consequences of inflation. Insufficiencies in measuring inflation.
6. Unemployment, its types, causes and consequences. Measuring unemployment in CR and EU
7. Relationship between inflation and unemployment. Phillips curve and its modifications. Relationship between inflation and unemployment within short and long run.
8. Foreign trade. Absolute and comparative advantage. Balance of payments and its accounts.
9. Exchange rate theory and foreign currency market. Theory of equilibrium exchange rate.
10. Economic growth. Potential output. Theories of growth.
11. Economic cycle. Stages and types of economic cycle. Economic crises.
12. National economic policy. Economic policy tools and objectives and economic policy-makers. Influence of fiscal and monetary policy on national macroeconomic situation within short and long run.
Economic Policy
The aim of the course Economic Policy is, in relation to the subjects Microeconomics A, Public Sector Economy and especially the parallel subject Macroeconomics A, to familiarize students with the basics of economic policy. The first part of the course outlines the basic theoretical concepts of economic policy, economic and political concepts and their theoretical base. The remaining part of the course is dedicated to individual types of economic policy, including practical economic policy and the situation in the CR and the EU. The topics of this subject are further developed in subjects focused on concrete areas of economic policy, such as, especially, Fiscal Policy A, Monetary Policy A, Social Policy A and Employment Policy.
1. Economic policy. Definitions, tools, and objectives. Institutional environment of economic policy. Relationships among objectives of economic policy. Relationships between tools and objectives of economic policy.
2. Economic policy – its theoretical base and basic concept. Period of pre-Keynesian economic policy.
3. Keynesian and post-Keynesian economic policy. Approaches to economic policy until 1970´s.
4. Economic policy adopted after Keynesian concepts failed.
5. Information in economic policy. Government and market failures. Implications for economic policy-makers. Efficiency of economic policy. Limits of economic policy.
6. Basic types of economic policy. Supply-side vs. demand-side economic policy. Stabilization and pro-growth economic policy.
7. Fiscal policy. Policy makers, objectives, tools. Technical approaches to fiscal policy. Issues related to public budgets and public debt.
8. Monetary policy. Policy makers, objectives, tools. Technical approaches to monetary policy. Central bank, its position and independence.
9. External economic policy. Policy makers, objectives, tools. Foreign trade policy.
10. Other types of economic policy. Social policy. Employment policy. Pension, structural, regional and agricultural policy.
11. Economic policy of EU and its types. Relation to CR economic policy
12. Practical economic policy. Ordoliberalism. Stop and go policy. Reaganomics and Thatcherism. Current approaches to economic policy.
Czech Economy
The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the condition and development of economy in the CR, highlighting mutual links between individual areas of the national economy. The course builds on the basic theoretical knowledge gained in the Macroeconomics A and Economic Policy courses, and also in the Public Sector Economy course. Students will understand the basic macroeconomic concepts (GDP, unemployment, inflation) and will be able to apply this knowledge when drawing regional comparisons as well as basic comparisons between the CR and EU countries. Students will deepen their knowledge of fundamental principles of public budgets functioning, learn about the state of public finances and understand the connections between the state budget deficit and other areas of the Czech economy.
1. Introduction to subject. Sources of economic information and data, their trustworthiness.
2. Problems of national economy statistics. System of national accounts. Standards of national accounting and their application in CR.
3. Economic system in CR. Czech economy before 1989. Transformation process after 1989 and current economic system.
4. Labour market in CR. Development since 1990´s until present. Human capital and labour force. Employment, unemployment.
5. Living standard and quality of life. Education, health care and environment.
6. Economic factors of living standards in CR, statistics of family accounts, economy of Czech households.
7. Income inequality and poverty, debt burden of Czech households.
8. Macroeconomic level of economy. Economic cycle and long-term growth in CR.
9. Sectoral structure of economy in ČR.
10. Public finance of CR.
11. Position of CNB, price and exchange rate development.
12. Foreign trade and balance of payments of CR.
Political Science
The aim of the subject Political Science is to engage students in discussions on the basic concepts of political science and politics. Students become familiar with individual political ideologies and political parties. The following part of the course focuses on elections and electoral systems in the Czech Republic as well as in the world. The final part of the course is devoted to political parties in the European Union.
1. Introduction to political science. Definition and concept of political science as science, origins and historical development, methods and language of political science, political science in Czech conditions.
2. Politics. Definition and characteristics of politics, dimension of politics, individual´s relation to politics.
3. Political ideologies. Liberalism, conservatism, socialism, nationalism, anarchism, religious fundamentalism. Extremism.
4. Political Parties. Definitions, significance and development of political parties, characteristics of party systems.
5. Elections and electoral systems. Characteristics of systems, majority and proportional voting system.
6. Electoral system in Anglo-Saxon world.
7. Electoral systems in continental Europe.
8. Electoral system in Czech Republic.
9. Human rights and their protection.
10. Political regimes. Characteristics, democratic and undemocratic regimes.
11. Political parties and movements in the Czech Republic. Characteristics and development of political parties and movements.
12. EU political parties and European parliament Groups.
Quantitative Methods A
The aim of the subject Quantitative Methods A is to familiarize students with basic quantitative methods which they will use not only in the course of their studies, but also during their practical training in the pubic as well as private sector. Students will understand basic mathematical concepts and the concepts of propositional and predicate calculus. They will also study functions and graphs. The end of the course will be devoted to matrices and operations related to them. Each part of the course develops implications for economic disciplines, especially for areas applied in economic policy and econometrics.
1. Introduction to subject. Significance of mathematics and quantitative methods in economic disciplines.
2. Basic concepts and operations of logic. Proposition, propositional calculus, negation, conjunction, disjunction, implication, equivalence. Predicate calculus. Logic in economics.
3. Set, subset, union, intersection, set difference, Cartesian product, number sets and intervals.
4. Functions and their properties. Function domain, graphical representation. Infinite limits and finite limits, continuity of function at a point. Use in economic analyses.
5. Integral. Nature, basic formulas. Use in economic analyses.
6. Function graph, significance of first and second kind integral, local extrema, convexity and concavity. Use in economic analyses
7. Indefinite integral. Basic concepts and operations. Use in economic analyses.
8. Calculation of integrals. Substitution method, per partes method (integration by parts).
9. Definite integral. Area of plane figure, volume of solid of revolution, arch length. Use in economic analyses.
10. Definition of determinant and matrix. Basic concepts, properties of determinants. Important types of matrices.
11. Addition and subtraction of matrices, multiplication of matrices, invertible matrices. Properties of operations.
12. Matrix equations. Systems of algebraic equations. Solutions to systems of algebraic equations. Frobenius theorem. Solution by conversion into a matrix, Gaussian elimination. Use in economic analyses.
Social Policy A
Building on the knowledge gained in Economic Policy, the aim of the subject Social Policy A is to familiarize students not only with the basics regarding goals, functions, principles, tools and effects of social policy, but also with the current state of social policy in the Czech Republic and abroad, especially in EU countries. The fundamental role of the subject is, however, to deepen students´ understanding of procedures that form social policy and the role various entities have in the process of its creation, Students should also understand the versatile effects of social policy and master the principles of social policy analysis. During the course, students will acquire the skills needed to identify socially and economically acceptable solutions to social problems and learn to understand the links that are between these problems, the process of forming social policy and its effects.
1. Social processes and social policy, formation of welfare state, is basic functions.
2. Principles and goals of social policy.
3. Welfare state, its types and development stages.
4. Social risks and social security.
5. Social assistance.
6. Social insurance.
7. Social problems prevention: labour market policy.
8. Social development and human capital: health policy.
9. Social development and human capital: education policy.
10. Social development and human capital: family policy.
11. Social development and human capital: housing policy.
12. International institutions and conventions, EU social policy.
Employment Policy
The Employment Policy course builds on the basic knowledge gained in Economic Policy. After completing the course, students will be able to critically evaluate unemployment causes and active employment policy tools at a regional as well as macroeconomic level, i.e. in relation to the economic cycle and overall social and economic development. Further topics are devoted to selected problems of employment policy – i.e. employment of specific groups, position of women on the labour market, labour migration, inequalities on the labour market etc. The topics are focused on the situation in the Czech Republic in comparison with the European Union.
1. Human capital on labour market. Significance and changes, right to employment.
2. Employment policy as part of economic policy. Employment policy goals, employment policy levels.
3. Employment policy units and their role. State, tripartism, trade unions and other organizations, companies, agency employment.
4. Employment and employability. Flexibility and regulation, working hours, part-time jobs, links between employment and social, economic and population development in CR and EU.
5. Unemployment causes in times of economic boom and recession, connection with economic cycle, other unemployment causes, employment policy tools.
6. Inequalities on labour market, social exclusion, regional disparities, labour migration.
7. System of employment services. Labour office activities, counselling, job-matching services, passive employment policy.
8. Active employment policy: re-training, community service etc.
9. Active employment policy: investment incentives as employment policy tool.
10. Support to employing disabled persons and persons with other handicaps.
11. Position of women on labour market. Work and parenting, achieving work-life balance. Comparison of CR and EU.
12. European employment strategy. Employment policy strategy in CR.
Public Law
he aim of the subject Public Law is to expand our students´ knowledge gained from the subject Law. This course focuses in greater detail on individual types if public law, such as constitutional law, administrative law, financial law, criminal law or procedural law. The course also includes an overview of legal service and court system in the Czech Republic.
1. Nature and definition of public law. Public law units.
2. Dualism of public and private law.
3. Public law principles.
4. Constitutional law.
5. Administrative law.
6. Financial law.
7. Criminal law.
8. Procedural law.
9. Environmental law.
10. Social security law.
11. International public law.
12. Legal service, system of courts. Constitutional court, general courts, administrative judiciary bodies, public prosecution offices, police, advocacy (the Bar), public notaries, probation and mediation.
Econometrics A
The aim of the course Econometrics A is, with reference to the subjects Quantitative Methods A-B, Information Technology, Microeconomics A and Macroeconomics A, to provide students with the basic knowledge of econometrics and econometric modelling. Students will learn about individual types of data and their collection. Furthermore, they will learn to estimate simple econometric models and assess which model is suitable for modelling a specific situation. The course also includes areas related to time series with respect to the specificities of economic time series.
1. Introduction to econometrics. Subject of study and history, econometric model, modelling and econometric data.
2. Types of statistical data. Nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio. Data collection, data sources, time series transformation.
3. Regression analysis, regression models and their classification, choice of functional form.
4. Method of least squares. Advantages and disadvantages, properties.
5. Simple and multivariate regression model.
6. Correlation analysis. Coupling and multivariate correlation coefficient.
7. Evaluation of regression model quality. Quality criteria, determination coefficient, information criteria.
8. Statistical hypotheses testing. Testing conclusiveness of regression parameters and models.
9. Assumptions of classical linear regression models.
10. Time series analysis. Specificities of economic time series, stationarity of economic time series.
11. Analysis focused on trends in economic time series and their seasonality and cyclic nature, filtering of economic time series.
12. Using econometric in economic and political analyses.
Quantitative Methods B
The aim of the subject Quantitative Methods B is, in connection with the subject Quantitative Methods A, to provide students with the basic information from the area of statistics. Students will learn to collect and prepare data for more complex statistical econometric procedures, continuously following up on the parallel course Econometrics A. They will also learn how to proceed when testing statistical hypotheses. The end of the course is devoted to combinatorics and probability.
1. Statistics in economics. Basic concepts of statistics, terminology, classification of variables.
2. Population and choice. Representative choice, frequent mistakes in statistical induction.
3. Data collection and preparation. Questionnaires, analysis of variables, missing values.
4. Frequency distribution. Charts and graphic tools.
5. Moment measures, quantiles, measures of central tendency, variability and concentration.
6. Extreme value analysis. Causes and consequences, graphical representation, problem solution
7. Relationship between two variables. Correlation and regression analysis, analysis of variance, contingency tables.
8. Analysis of time series. Characteristics of time series, trend and seasonality analysis.
9. Multidimensional analysis methods.
10. Testing statistical hypotheses, t-test, F-test.
11. Basics of combinatorics. Combination, variation, permutation.
12. Probability test. Definition, probability of phenomena.
Foreign Language II A-B
The subject Foreign Language II aims at improving our students´ command of English or German in everyday conversation. In the subject Foreign Language II, students are expected to have initial beginner or pre-intermediate knowledge of the selected language (A1-A2 according to CEFRL). The aim of the subject is to acquaint students with vocabulary focused on everyday conversation and improve their general communication skills in the selected foreign language. Over the period of two terms, students work on increasing their language skills. They will learn new vocabulary, improve their understanding of ordinary texts as well as simple economic texts and learn to work with them. They will also be able to express themselves orally as well as in writing and take part in everyday conversation at pre-intermediate level.
Thematic Areas for the subject Foreign Language IIA:
1. Numbers
2. General expressions. Addressing people, greetings, meeting people.
3. Telling time.
4. Colour and sizes.
5. Public notices.
6. Travel.
7. Accommodation.
8. Meals.
9. On holiday.
10. Sports and leisure.
11. Working with economic texts.
12. Conversation on given economic topics.
Thematic Areas for the subject Foreign Language IIB:
1. Shopping.
2. Emergencies.
3. Housing.
4. Family.
5. Regular and temporary job.
6. Clothes and dress code.
7. Communication.
8. Letter, email, phone call.
9. Presentation.
10. Working with economic texts.
11. Conversation on given economic topics.
12. Discussion contests on given economic topics.
Public Administration A
The aim of the subject Public Administration A is, in connection with the subjects Public Sector Economy and Economic Policy, to provide students with a profound knowledge of public administration and public sector management. Students will earn about the concept of public power and public administration, its bodies and structure. Attention is also paid to issues related to management in public administration and New Public Management. The course is followed by the subject Administrative Procedure, which further develops students´ knowledge of administrative procedure rules and other related rules, and the compulsory-elective subject Public Procurements.
1. Functions of state and public administration. Relationship between state administration and local government.
2. Method of organization and functioning of state power. Forms of government and regimes.
3. Administrative reform. Base, process, consequences.
4. Establishment of municipalities and its aspects.
5. Establishment of regions and its aspects.
6. Central administration. Role of central administration in CR.
7. Digitalisation of public administration. E-government.
8. Position of civil servants in CR
9. Legislative process and process of establishing norms in CR
10. Public procurements and their control.
11. Management in public administration.
12. New Public Management.
World Economy and International Organizations
The aim of the subject World Economy and International Organizations is to outline the world economy as an economic system and familiarize students with its historical development and present structure. The aim of the course is also to outline the basic principles of international integration and describe the main international organizations of today´s world such as the UN, WTO, WB, IMF or NATO. After introducing theoretical approaches to international organizations and briefly outlining their historical development, the course focuses on a more detailed description of individual international organizations and their influence on economic policy.
1. World economy as system. Structure and entities.
2. Phasing of world economy development.
3. Long-term growth and development in world economy. Macroeconomic and sectoral changes, key role of technical development, internationalization.
4. Globalization and regionalization of world economy. International integration.
5. Role of nation states, transnational corporations and international organizations in world economy.
6. International organizations. Historical development. Agents and structure of international organizations. Decision-making procedures in international organizations.
7. United Nations. Mission, history, structure, decision-making procedures and outputs.
8. World Trade Organization. Mission, history, structure, decision-making procedures and outputs.
9. International Monetary Fund. Mission, history, structure, decision-making procedures and outputs.
10. World Bank. Mission, history, structure, decision-making procedures and outputs.
11. NATO. Mission, history, structure, decision-making procedures and outputs.
12. Council of Europe and European Court of Human Rights. Mission, history, structure, decision-making procedures and outputs.
Tax System of the CR
The aim of the subject Tax System of the CR is to outline, in connection with the subjects Public Sector Economy and Economic Policy, the basic concepts regarding taxes and familiarize students with the tax system of the Czech Republic. Students will learn about the basic construction elements of individual types of taxes that occur in the Czech tax mix. The course also focuses on measuring the tax burden and on the tax system of the European Union.
1. Basic concepts. Tax and its construction.
2. Tax principles, tax system requirements, tax mix.
3. Individual income tax. Taxpayer, object of tax, tax base, tax exemption.
4. Corporate tax. Taxpayer, object of tax, tax base, tax exemption.
5. Excise duty. Taxpayer, object of tax, tax base, tax exemption.
6. Value added tax. Taxpayer, object of tax, tax base, tax exemption.
7. Property tax. Taxpayer, object of tax, tax base, tax exemption.
8. Road tax. Taxpayer, object of tax, tax base, tax exemption.
9. Other taxes and fees. Customs fees.
10. Contributions to social security.
11. Tax burden. Measuring of tax burden and its limits.
12. Taxes in EU.
Economy of Business Enterprise A
The aim of the subject Economy of Business Enterprise A is to introduce students to the basic concepts of business enterprise economy. Students are first familiarized with the basic concepts relating to business, business enterprise and its surroundings and then with the key areas of business such as accounting and economy of an enterprise, asset and capital structure of an enterprise or remuneration. At the end of the course students also learn about specificities of non-profit making institutions. In addition, students may continue to extend their knowledge of business enterprise economy in the compulsory-elective subject Economy of Business Enterprise B.
1. Introduction to economy of business enterprise. Business, business enterprise, entrepreneur. Enterprise surroundings.
2. Costs and revenues. Relationship to expenses and income. Cost functions.
3. Calculation. Calculation system, calculation methods.
4. Revenues, costs and trading result. Break even point.
5. Assets of enterprise. Depreciations. Balance sheet.
6. Capital of enterprise. Optimal property and capital structure. Leverage, tax effect.
7. Enterprise as economic system. Typology od enterprises.
8. Wages and wage costs of enterprise.
9. Mergers and divisions of enterprises.
10. Enterprise rescue and termination of existence of enterprise.
11. Enterprise risks. Risk analysis.
12. Specificities of non-profit making organizations.
Fiscal Policy A
Building on the knowledge of the subject Economic Policy, the aim of the subject Fiscal Policy A is to familiarize students with the basic aspects of fiscal policy, emphasizing the Czech Republic´s fiscal policy. First, definitions of basic concepts are provided and fiscal policy functions are explained. The following part of the course is devoted to the structure and state of public finances and state budget in the Czech Republic and to the public finances the world. The end of the course focuses on the problems of financial and debt crises.
1. Fiscal policy definition and historical development
2. Fiscal policy functions. Allocation, stabilization and re-distribution function.
3. Fiscal policy goals, tools and fiscal policy makers.
4. System of public budgets in CR. State budget, regional and municipal budgets, funds of health insurance companies, state special-purpose funds
5. State budget of CR. Budget approval process, structure of revenues and expenditures.
6. Budget deficits. Causes and consequences.
7. Public debt. Causes and consequences.
8. Approaches of individual schools to deficit financing. Cyclically vs. annually balanced budget.
9. Tax system in CR and budgetary tax assignment.
10. Description and state of public finances in CR.
11. Description and state of public finances in EU.
12. Financial and debt crises.
Monetary Policy A
Building on the knowledge of the subject Economic Policy, the aim of the subject Monetary Policy A is to familiarize students with the basic aspects of monetary policy. The subject focuses on the subject of money – money supply, demand for money and money market equilibrium. Students are further introduced to the role of the central bank in the banking system and in the monetary policy. The end of the course is devoted to the problems of exchange rate and foreign currency interventions and also to the problems of monetary and financial crises.
1. Monetary policy definition and historical development
2. Monetary policy goals, tools and monetary policy makers.
3. Money and its role in economy.
4. Money supply and demand for money.
5. Interest and interest rate, money market and its equilibrium.
6. Banking system. One-tier and two-tier banking system.
7. Central bank. Functions, goals and tools of central banks.
8. Regulation and supervision in banking sector.
9. Types of monetary policy. Monetary expansion and restriction.
10. Currency and exchange rate. Definitions of concepts, system of monetary regimes.
11. Foreign currency interventions. Way of functioning.
12. Monetary and financial crises.
Administrative Procedure
Building on the knowledge of the subject Public Law, the aim of the subject Administrative Procedure is to familiarize students with the basic aspects and course of administrative procedure within the context of the Czech Republic. Students learn about the participants in administrative procedure and methods of making administrative decisions and their review. The subject also puts an emphasis on legal practice in Czech jurisdiction environment.
1. Introduction to rules of administrative procedure.
2. Applicability of administrative rules.
3. Basic principles of activities of administrative bodies.
4. Content and structure of administrative rules.
5. General measures and public law contracts.
6. Part IV of Administrative Rules.
7. Participants in administrative procedure.
8. Selected procedural institutes.
9. First instance administrative procedure.
10. Administrative decisions.
11. Administrative decision review and administrative execution.
12. Administrative procedure practice in CR.
European Integration
The aim of the subject European Integration is, in connection with the subject World Economy and International Organizations, to familiarize students with the basic aspects of integration in Europe, putting and emphasis on the European Union. After a brief historical overview, students are introduced to individual aspects of EU integration. Furthermore, the course focuses on individual EU policies and its end is devoted to the current issues of European integration.
1. Idea of European integration and beginnings of European integration.
2. European communities and journey to the European Union.
3. Lisbon Treaty and changes it brought.
4. European Union institutions.
5. European single market.
6. Economic and monetary union.
7. Foreign and security policy of EU.
8. Home affairs and judiciary in EU.
9. EU policies and their funding.
10. Europe 2020 strategy.
11. Position of Czech Republic within EU.
12. Current issues and challenges of European integration.
Bachelor´s Seminar I
The subject Bachelor´s Seminar I provides students with information and guidelines needed for the preparation of the final qualification thesis and enables them to continuously consult their work on the thesis with their supervisors. The aim of the seminar is to enable students prepare and defend their qualification thesis and, building on the relevant selected specialist literature, prove their ability to apply acquired knowledge when defining and solving problems usually occurring in practice. After successful completion of the seminar, students will be able to apply the key principles of research methodology, carry out independent research and present its results in the form of final thesis in line with the theoretical, methodological and formal requirements of the discipline. Students will learn to work with texts, including foreign language texts, and with data available for secondary analysis. Furthermore, after completing the course, students will be able to process concepts and theories contained in them and find relevant answers to the problem/ task assigned. The topics of Bachelor´s theses are proposed with regard to the area of economic policy and administration and such areas where students will be able to defend the usability of produced results in practice.
1. Nature of Bachelor´s thesis, selection of topic of Bachelor´s thesis.
2. Elements of Bachelor´s thesis, presentation of final university thesis requirements. Structure of Bachelor´s thesis.
3. Use of specialist resources in Bachelor´s thesis.
4. Setting goals of Bachelor´s thesis, formulating research problem and research question.
5. Selection of research strategies, methods and techniques, role of hypothesis in qualitative and quantitative research.
6. Processing and interpretation of results of Bachelor´s thesis.
7. Discussion and conclusions of Bachelor´s thesis.
8. Format of Bachelor´s thesis.
9. Intellectual property protection. Copyright. Plagiarism and its consequences.
10. Contribution of Bachelor´s thesis to practice, formulating recommendations for practice as well as further research.
11. Defence of Bachelor´s thesis.
12. Questions related to selected topics of Bachelor´s theses.
Bachelor´s Seminar II
Bachelor´s Seminar II follows up on the subject Bachelor´s Seminar I. During the course, students are supplied with information and guidelines needed for the preparation of the final qualification thesis and enabled to continuously consult their work on the thesis with their supervisors. Consultations primarily focus on the content and formal side of the final qualification thesis, on its structure and format requirements. Students are also familiarized with the method of final thesis evaluation as well as the presentation requirements which must be fulfilled when defending it. Generally, Bachelor´s theses verify students´ ability to independently and creatively respond to tasks arising from the requirements set for graduates from a Bachelor´s degree programme, with respect to the principles of intellectual property protection and anti-plagiarism measures. The output of the subject is that students have acquired practical skills needed for the preparation of a Bachelor´s thesis as one of the pre-conditions of successful completion of their studies.
Bachelor´s Thesis
The aim of the subject is to ensure that students complete their thesis in line with the principles of its preparation by a given deadline. Bachelor´s theses focus on processing and presenting a specialist problem from the area of economic policy and administration. Students will prove their ability to apply their knowledge when formulating and solving a practical problem, building on the selected specialist literature. Students will also prove their ability to work with texts, including foreign language texts where necessary, and possibly with data available for secondary analysis. Furthermore, they will prove their ability to process concepts and theories contained in them and find relevant answers to the problem or task assigned. If the solution to the problem requires research wok, students will prove their ability to plan research work and process its results. If the solution to the problem does not require research work, students will prepare an overview paper containing their own critical assessment as well as their own conclusions and interpretations.
Basics of Academic Writing
The aim of the subject Basics of Academic Writing is to prepare students for the preparation for seminar as well as final theses. Students will learn what steps must be taken during the preparation stage of processing their final thesis, i.e. defining the topic, goal, formulating hypotheses etc. Subsequently, they will be familiarized with the possibilities of methods used for this work. Special attention is paid to work with data and specialist literature, including quoting rules. The end of the course focuses on formal elements and presentation of a thesis.
- Preparation stage of thesis. Topic, goal, hypotheses, research question.
- Structure of thesis, professional style.
- Data sources, their trustworhiness, databases.
- Work with literature. Primary vs. secondary sources, types of publications.
- Literary research and overview paper.
- Quoting from literature, author´s work and plagiarism.
- Quotation standards.
- Basics of empirical research.
- Selection of suitable methods.
- Structure of thesis. Introduction, core of thesis, conclusion.
- Formal layout of text.
- Presentation of thesis.
Information Systems in Public Administration
The aim of the subject Information Systems in Public Administration is to familiarize students with the role of information technology in public administration. Students will learn about the properties and basic architecture of information systems used in state administration and self-government of municipalities and about their communication. They will understand the classification of information systems and learn to describe the required properties of state and public administration information systems. They will also be able to characterize the state information policy and the ways of financing the development of information and communication technologies. They will get familiar with modern public services and with the content of basic registers of public administration.
- Architecture of municipal IS. National information policy. Significance of information society.
- Manager´s need for information, strategic significance of information systems and information for management.
- Definition of information system, components of information system, their architecture and development.
- Informization of educational instituions, main tasks and objectives regarding informization of educational instituions, information literacy, e-learning.
- E-government services. Legislative environment of E-government.
- Basic registers, content, referential data, responsibility.
- Architecture of communication environment of public administration information systems.
- System of data boxes, functions, electronic signature, Czech POINT, significance, use.
- Other components of national information system, registers, records.
- Public administration portal, local self- government portal, information systems of regional self-governing units.
- Information quality and its significance. New approaches to data evaluation, Big Data, Data Minig.
- Availability of information systems, portal approach. Security of information systems.
Social Security System
The aim of the subject Social Security System is to familiarize students with the social security system in the Czech Republic. After the initial introduction to the basic concepts, the course focuses on individual pillars of social security. Attention is also paid to the fiscal impacts of the social security system both on the revenues and expenditures of public budgets. Last but not least, evaluation of the current system sustainability is discussed, especially with regard to the demographic process of population aging.
1. Definitions of basic concepts. Social security event, social policy, social security system, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, sickness benefit period, minor child.
2. Historical development of social security in CR and EU.
3. System pillars of social security. Insurance, support, aid.
4. Social security system in CR. Legal position and overview of social security benefits.
5. Insurance. Social and health insurance. Legal regulation, amount of insurance payments pro individual groups of inhabitants.
6. Support. State social support benefits, overview of benefits, current state in CR.
7. Aid. Destitution benefits and social care benefits. Overview of benefits and current state in CR.
8. Role of state administration authorities in social security area.
9. Public finances and social security – budgetary assignment of insurance.
10. Public finances and social security – impacts of support and aid public budgets expenditures.
11. World social security systems.
12. Current issues of social security system in CR with regard to demographic development.
Living Conditions of Households
The aim of the subject Living Conditions of Households is to familiarize students with the basic concepts concerning the quality of life and the relevant statistical data and their sources. Students will be introduced mainly to the concept of living wage, subsistence level, minimum and guaranteed wage, average wage and wage median and they will understand the differences between them. They will learn about the expenses and consumption of households, housing conditions, about problems of poverty, debt burden or income inequality. In addition, they will be familiarized with the historical development of living conditions of households in the Czech Republic and abroad for international comparison.
1. Households. Definitions of basic concepts.
2. Statistical monitoring of living conditions of households. Data sources.
3. Composition of households, demographic structure and its development in CR.
4. Household income. Living wage and subsistence level.
5. Average wage, wage median, wage differences.
6. Social income in CR.
7. Expenses and consumption of individual household types.
8. Housing of households and its development in CR.
9. Debt burden of households and its development in CR.
10. Poverty and social exclusion.
11. Income inequality. Significance, measurement, development.
12. Living conditions of households within international comparison.
Population Change and Migration
The aim of the subject Population Change and Migration is to familiarize students with the basic demographic concepts, the current demographic development and methods of demographic analysis. After completing the course, students will be able to use basic demographic terms, understand commonly used demographic indicators as well as the current demographic development in clear connection with the problems of social work and they will be able to discuss this topic. Part of the subject is devoted to the current issues of migration and migration policy.
1. Introduction to demography. Definition of subject, social significance of this discipline, inner structure of demography, literature on demography.
2. History of demography. Development of demographic thinking, Czech demography, history of census and records of natural change.
3. Demographic indicators. Rates, quotients, time in demography, Lexis diagram.
4. Structure of inhabitants by sex and age, national, social, economic and educational structure, structure of inhabitants by religion.
5. Spatial structure of inhabitants, migration.
6. Demographic analysis. Mortality rate, wedding and divorce rate, fertility rate, birth rate, abortion rate.
7. Overall characteristics of natural reproduction. Demographic estimates and projections.
8. Population theory and policy, demographic revolution, second demographic transition.
9. World population change.
10. Demographics of Czech Republic and its position within global population change.
11. Current challenges of world migration developments.
12. Migration policy of EU and CR.
Economy of Business Enterprise B
The aim of the subject Economy of Business Enterprise B is to extend our students´ knowledge gained from the course Economy of Business Enterprise A by adding some of the important aspects of business enterprise economy. These mainly include finances of an enterprise as well as accounting and investment aspects. The end of the course is devoted to the topic of marketing and, last but not least, audit. The course is taught during the last shortened term of the studies.
1. Business management, planning and decision-making.
2. Financing of enterprise, working capital a cash flow.
3. Financial analysis of enterprise.
4. Investment activity and planning.
5. Purchasing activity. Inventory management.
6. Production activity and production planning.
7. Innovation and marketing.
8. Analyses and a controlling. Internal audit.
Project Management A
The aim of the subject Project Management A is to familiarize students with the basic aspects of projects and their management, which will serve as a basis for their further studies. Students are introduced to the role of project manager and learn about the systematic nature of projects, life cycles of projects and methods of managing people engaged in projects. The end of the course is dedicated to the practical side of projects, especially problem situations. The course is taught during the last shortened term of the studies.
1. Project and project management. Role of project manager.
2. Project management as system. System perception and behavioural patterns of system of projects. System dynamics and project management.
3. Project methodology and approaches. Traditional and agile approach.
4. Project life cycle.
5. Managing people engaged in projects.
6. Project-based firms.
7. Problem situations in projects.
8. Examples successful and unsuccessful projects.
Public Procurements
The aim of the subject Public Procurements is, in connection with the course Public Sector Economy, to provide students with the basic information on public procurements and the relevant legal regulation within the Czech legal system. Students are familiarized with the basic concepts and types of public procurements. Special emphasis is laid on practical application and instruction is supplemented by practical examples. The course is taught during the last shortened term of the studies.
1. Public procurement. Definitions of basic concepts, legal regulation. Contracting authority, supplier and participant in procurement proceedings.
2. Assumed value of public procurement. Small-scale public contracts. Below-the–threshold, above-the-threshold and simplified scheme.
3. Procurement as well as technical specifications of public procurements.
4. Bids. Opening, assessment and evaluation.
5. Making contracts, cancellation and completion of procurement procedures. Changes and withdrawal from contract.
6. Dynamic purchasing systems and computerization of public procuring.
7. Sectoral public procurements. Awarding procedures.
8. Practice related to public procurements in Czech Republic.
Managerial Skills
The aim of the subject Managerial Skills is to share the knowledge of managerial skills with our students. They learn about what kind of personality and what skills a manager should have and what the basis for their decision-making is. Furthermore, students learn how to solve conflicts, manage people and effectively plan their time. The subject also focuses on the current problems and challenges related to managerial skills. The course is taught during the last shortened term of the studies.
1. Manager. Skills, character and personality.
2. Kinds of skills and management process. Ways and kinds of thinking. Analytical and synthetic thinking, creativity.
3. Decision-making. Kinds of decision-making and stages of decision-making procedure. Decision-making methods, decision-making criteria.
4. Delegating and motivation.
5. Communication. Kinds of communication and communication process..
6. Conflicts and their solution. Rationalisation of time consumption.
7. Managing people. Management styles and work groups.
8. Current problems and challenges in the area of managerial skills.
Internship Abroad
Students complete an internship or study stay abroad lasting at least one month (20 work days) at our partnership schools or other institutions which are subject to the approval given by the subject guarantor. After completing the internship or study stay, students prepare a report on the course of the internship or stay and have it confirmed by the foreign institution or university.
Economic Policy
Economic Policy
Social Policy A
Fiscal Policy A
Monetary Policy A
Employment Policy
Economy and Administration
Public Administration A
Public Sector Economy
Czech Economy
World Economy and International Organizations
European Integration
Bachelor´s Thesis Defence
Bachelor´s Thesis Defence