doc. Ing. Tomáš Sochor, CSc.
Tomáš Sochor is an associate professor at the University College Prague of the European Research University and the guarantor of the Bachelor's degree programmes in Information and Communication Security. His research activities focus on communication protocols used for communication among computers as well as their security, and IT Security in general. He presented numerous research papers at prestigious international conferences mostly sponsored by IEEE with subsequent publication of papers in proceedings published by reputable international publishers. He also published several research papers in recognized international journals. He participated in the establishment of CSIRT team at the University of Ostrava in 2018-2019. Moreover, he has been a member of the program committee of the IEEE Computer Networks international conference since 2015. In addition to IT security, his research interests extends partly to mathematical and statistical methods and their applications in economics.
Assoc. Prof.
Mendel University in Brno, System Engineering and Informatics, 2014
CSc. (PhD equiv.)
Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Mining Institute, 1992
Master's Degree
Palacký University Olomouc, Faculty of Science, Numerical Mathematics, 1986
2021–present, ERUNI, Assoc. Prof.
2002–2020, University of Ostrava, Mendel University, Assoc. Prof.
1999–2002, Union Insurance, actuary, Head of Life Insurance dept.
1996–1999, CR Fontána pension fund
1986–1996 Institute of Geonics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Publications (last 5 years, selected).
LYSENKO, S., BOBROVNIKOVA, K., GAJ, P., SOCHOR, T. and FORKUN, I. Resilient Computer Systems Development for Cyberattacks Resistance. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2021, 2853, 353-361. https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2853/short41.pdf
SAVENKO, B., KASHTALIAN, A., SOCHOR, T. and NICHEPORUK, A. Self-Organized Distributed Anomaly Detection System in Computer Systems Based on The Principal Components Method. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2022, 3156, 329-351. https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3156/paper25.pdf
DENYSIUK, D., SOCHOR, T. and KAPUSTIAN, M. Proof of Stake And Proof of Work Approach for Malware Detection Technologies. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2022, 3156, 432-441. https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3156/paper33.pdf
REHIDA, P., SOCHOR, T., MARTYNYUK, V., TARASOVA, O., and ORLENKO, V. A Distributed Malware Detection Model Based on Sandbox Technology. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2023, 3373, 475-485. https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3373/paper26.pdf
LIUBINETSKYI, D., KASHTALIAN, A., SOCHOR, T., SELSKYI, A., and KLEIN, O. Distributed System for Predicting Malicious Activity in Computer Networks. In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2023, 3373 401-410. https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3373/paper32.pdf
Orienteering, Outdoor Sports